your last browsing session closed unexpectedly
There was a post earlier today regarding this question. I used the information, however, it created a three hour problem. Perhaps I did something wrong. The post said to 'Reset in Internet Explorer in Internet Options'. I did this and I had to do three systems restore before I could correct the problem. It rendered my external hard drive software useless and the HP Smart Web printing add on useless. All is working well now. Please comment.
August 25th, 2009 10:28am

I have had very bad luck with that addon. Now Iimmediatelyuninstall it from Programs & Features before it ever gets a chance to pollute my IE installation.For example, when capturing HP's own shoppng page, it disassembled the page into 14 separate fragments, then told me to reassemble them by hand. Oh, I am so sure I want to do that. I was better off just screen-shotting the page for printout. Which is exactly what HP Tech Support then advised me to do. After first having me reinstall its latest version then everything else in the computer. That's always their answer: Restore from the Recovery Disk.I had better luck printing to the XPS "printer" (actually a file), but that's kind of tricky to do too. In general, I have found no guaranteed way to print directly from the internet. You might just want to save files via the File > Save As dialog, noting the several different file format options. (Experiment with them to see their differences).Well, that's my 2nd comment on the subject.
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August 25th, 2009 2:28pm

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